[Press Release] Staten Island PPS and Partners Show Success with AI-Based Analytics Program to Combat Record Overdose Deaths



For more information, contact:
Lauren Tepfer
(917) 830-1149 



Staten Island, NY, September 2023 – In the first year of the program, which launched in March of 2022, the Hotspotting the Overdose Epidemic program has shown great success. There was an 81% reduction in non-fatal overdoses for those clients engaged in the program. More importantly, there were two overdose-related deaths in the engaged group compared to 11 in the non-engaged group. These initial results suggest a strong impact of participation in the multiple levels of service that the program provides.  

The Hotspotting Program is an evidence-based, data-driven overdose prevention and outreach initiative that aims to leverage predictive analytics to identify individuals at the highest risk of overdose and engage them before an adverse event, using a person-centered care management model. The predictive analytics model was developed in collaboration with the MIT Sloan School of Management’s Initiative for Health Systems.    

Other outcomes of the first year of the program include 100% of clients having a Certified Recovery Peer Advocate (CRPA) assigned to them at the initial point of engagement; from the prevention aspect, 84% of clients received harm reduction services (e.g., Narcan, an overdose reversal agent, screening for hepatitis, fentanyl test strips, and clean syringes); and from the social aspect, 91% completed screening for social care needs, with 78% of those needs met by community-based partners. The overall reduction of emergency room and inpatient care demonstrated that coordinated care could improve outcomes and ultimately impact the cost of care. A thorough analysis of visits that were specifically related to overdose and substance misuse showed that the engaged group had a reduction of 56.2% and 42.6% for ER and inpatient utilization, respectively.   

Dr. Brahim Ardolic, Executive Director of Staten Island University Hospital/Northwell said, ”Nearly 7,000 New Yorkers died from overdose in the past 12 months, over 150 from Staten Island alone; we need innovative programs to reverse this tragic trend. The Hotspotting Program that SIUH and other dedicated providers on SI are implementing, is the first comprehensive strategy that offers hope. With dedicated providers, peer advocates and innovative technology, Hotspotting is saving lives and we believe can do so elsewhere.” 

Former New York Congressman and The Secure Future Project Senior Advisor, Max Rose notes, “The opioid overdose epidemic is one of our nation’s greatest public health crises. The incredible work done in two years by the Hotspotting Program is a testament to the fact that this does not have to be the case. It is now imperative that managed care organizations and governments nationwide step up to scale this proven model.”  

Joseph Conte, PhD, Executive Director of the Staten Island PPS said, “With the latest CDC data showing that over 111,000 Americans, among them 6,849 NY residents, lost their lives to overdose in a 12-month period ending April 2023, it is time for a radical change in passive strategy to active pursuit of patient facing, CRPA led and technology enabled solution like the PPS Hotspotting Program– data doesn’t lie- the Hotspotting program saves lives and reduces overall OD rates for engaged community members.” 

Staten Island District Attorney, Michael E. McMahon adds, “From my first day as District Attorney, saving the lives of those battling addiction illness has been an essential mission of the men and women of my office. We are so proud of the innovative work we have done in conjunction with the NYPD, health professionals, treatment providers, and especially the Staten Island PPS. The Hotspotting Program is a common-sense, life-saving approach to saving those at serious risk of a fatal overdose, and we are thrilled that the hard work of our Alternatives to Incarceration Unit and the PPS team have paid such immense and immediate dividends in our quest to prevent overdoses in our communities.” 

Robert Kent, Esq. former General Counsel, White House of National Drug Control Policy and President of Kent Strategic Advisors, LLC noted “The Hotspotting Program is a game changer!  The first-year results are validation that when we invest our time and resources in helping those who are struggling with addiction; the results can change lives!  We must continue this important work and explore opportunities to expand its reach!” 



About the Hotspotting Program    

The program consists of four main components: Predictive analytics, a person-centered care management model, contingency management, and value-based outcomes. 

Consistent with the National Drug Control Strategy calling for evidence-based models of care, the program incorporates Contingency Management (CM) for Medication Assisted Treatment patients. CM uses the science of behavioral economics to help individuals develop and maintain healthy habits and care plan routines. It is a proven intervention that is effective in increasing treatment retention rates, improving treatment compliance, and reducing substance use in a cost-effective way.   

The program also focuses on value-based payments to providers to incentivize comprehensive and value-based care, as opposed to current fee-for-service models (outcomes vs. encounters). It focuses on reducing harm and promotes a continuum of care leading to sustained recovery while avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations.  

The Hotspotting Program is funded by a $3 million grant from a private foundation, The Secure Future Project, and $1.5 million from Staten Island PPS/Northwell Health.  


About Staten Island Performing Provider System 

The Staten Island Performing Provider System (SI PPS) is an integrated network of medical, behavioral, academic partners and social services agencies. Our founding goals included improving the quality of care, reducing costs and improving health outcomes for Staten Island’s Medicaid and uninsured populations. Originally formed under the DSRIP program, we continue enhancing and refining the transformative work with our partners to improve population health outcomes, address social determinants of health, grow our network and reduce health disparities. We are dedicated to improving health equity by holding conversations with our community, creating educational and workforce opportunities for youth, and bridging connections with non-traditional service providers to meet people where they are in the community.
