Compliance Resources

What SI PPS staff and providers need to know:

The mission of the Compliance Office is to prevent, detect, and resolve conduct issues and non-compliance to laws and program requirements. This is necessary for us to uphold our reputation for honesty and integrity in our business and medical commitments.

Compliance guidelines can be found in the Code of Conduct, Compliance Manual, SI PPS Compliance Help Line, and Compliance policies and procedures.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is the basis of our Compliance Program. It outlines the duties and responsibilities of the program and of those who are associated with SI PPS

Compliance Program Manual

The Compliance Manual contains policies and procedures and the standards of conduct that all persons and entities that participate or do business with SI PPS, including but not limited to (i) SI PPS and its employees, independent contractors, vendors, agents, suppliers, executives and governing body members (“PPS Associates”); and (ii) Participating Providers and their employees, independent contractors, vendors, agents, suppliers, executives and governing body members are expected to follow related to participation, conduct or activities that affect SI PPS’ operations.

SI PPS HelpLine

The Compliance Office is here to assist you to understand what compliance and ethical conduct means to SI PPS. If you are unsure about conduct in a certain situation, or believe that any standards of conduct may have been violated, please contact the Compliance Office. Ways to contact:

Toll-free Telephone: (833) 280-0009
E-mail: (must include company name with report, i.e. Staten Island PPS)
Fax: (215) 689-3885 (must include company name with report, i.e. Staten Island PPS)

You can report anonymously or identify yourself. We will respond to your concerns as soon as possible.