Veteran and Active Duty Service Member Programs
Veteran and Active Duty Service Member Programs
Food Insecurity >
Outreach to the College of Staten Island Veterans
Lock and Talk Lethal Means Suicide Prevention
End Veteran Debt and Mission Possible
Food Insecurity
Food insecurity has been identified in the veteran and active-duty Staten Island Population as an important issue to tackle. The larger Task Force formed the Staten Island Veterans Food Insecurity Taskforce. Participants in meetings include Staten Island University Hospital, Meals on Wheels, Gods Love We Deliver, Harbor VA Community Engagement and Partnership Coordinator, Department of Veterans’ Services, New York Military One Source, CHASI, and NYC Department of Probation.
In April 2023, the Food Insecurity Taskforce supported the development of the Department of Probation Veterans Neon Kitchen program which provides free and nutritious groceries for our Staten Island Veteran and active-duty individuals and families. Weekly, an average of 11 veterans or family members receive food at Neon Kitchen.
The Food Insecurity Taskforce provides support to the Blue Star Families Nourish the Service Essentials Program at the Coast Guard Station. Every other week, 125 military individuals representing five hundred family members obtain food and supplies. AmeriCorps Senior RSVP volunteers operationally assist Nourish the Service, the American Legion Gold Star Post collects and delivers food, and Staten Island PPS has provided financial support.
Weekly Average of Veterans or family members who receive food at Neon Kitchen
Military individuals representing five hundred family members who obtain food and supplies every other week